Archives: News

SDH plant performs well in Swiss winter conditions

A new solar district heating plant in Geneva, Switzerland, is basking in the limelight of Swiss politics, with environmental minister Simonetta Sommaruga personally attending the start-up of the system at […]

Air collectors from Saint Petersburg

Solar Fox, a solar air collector manufacturer founded in 2018 by a private investor in Saint Petersburg, northern Russia, has announced plans to expand its dealer network and production capacity […]

Rush on industrial solar heat in Germany

In Germany, demand for high-temperature solar process heat is growing rapidly. In the past months, Soliterm, a western German provider of turnkey solar process heat (SHIP) solutions, has conducted an […]

Strategies to promote solar envelopes

In the last four years, the multidisciplinary IEA SHC Task 56 research group worked intensively on strategies to increase the market penetration of solar envelope systems. The group has found […]

SRIAs pave the way for a clean energy future

According to the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating & Cooling’s Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, nearly half the energy consumed across Europe is used to heat residential, […]