In June, Al Bashir Hospital, the largest public hospital in Jordan, started up a 1,133 m² (0.8 MWth) solar field which it said would provide 10 % of the heat […]
Jordan is showing rapidly increasing demand for air-conditioning. Total annual emissions from cooling commercial buildings add up to 600,000 tonnes of CO2, an amount equal to emissions from about 120,000 […]
The middle of March saw the launch of the online database, which has so far collected 122 projects using Solar Heat for Industrial Processes (SHIP). The database was created […]
Outstanding solar district heating projects have recently been honoured with two awards in just one week. The IEA Solar Heating Programme (IEA SHC) presented its SHC Solar Award 2013 to […]
Since July, the currently world's biggest solar thermal plant has gradually come into operation. It produces heat for a women's university in Saudi Arabia, the Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman […]
Three partners, one project: Representatives from all three participating companies - Millennium Energy Industries, Jordan, and Greenonetec and AEE Intec, both based in Austria - met for their kick-off meeting […]
All signs point to a successful conference: Experienced event organizer AEE Intec from Austria and PSE from Germany, teamed up with the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and the members […]
Modern Residential City for 25,000 people in 48 buildings on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi City, United Arab Emirates, shoud be supplied with solar heated water. Photo: Millennium Energy Industries