Companie: Himin Solar Energy Group

China: Export Duties Push Up Vacuum Tube Prices

Whoever is purchasing vacuum tube collectors from China these days can certainly not complain about getting contradictory information: There are those suppliers which are already charging their clients 17 % […]

China: 500 Participants at Annual CSTIF Meeting

The annual conference of the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF), which took place in Beijing in the middle of December, attracted more than 500 participants from the Chinese solar […]

China: More than 50,000 Solar Shops

The Chinese solar thermal industry has set up a highly organised distribution network based on more than 50,000 solar shops all around the country. The market researchers of the Sun´s […]

China: Huang Ming receives Right Livelihood Award

At the end of September 2011, the founder and President of Himin Solar Energy, one of the largest solar thermal manufacturers in China was honoured with the Right Livelihood Award. […]