Companie: Gunder

Professor Klaus Vajen appointed president of ISES

The International Solar Energy Society has announced that Professor Klaus Vajen, Director of the Institute of Thermal Engineering at the University of Kassel, Germany, was elected as the society’s new […]

Turkey: Over 1,000 Professionals Attend SolarTR 2016

The biannual SolarTR 2016 conference attracted more than 1,000 national and international solar energy stakeholders to Istanbul, Turkey, between 6 and 8 December 2016. The science- and technology-focused event showcased […]

Meet Where the Continents Meet: SHC2015 in Istanbul

Two continents meet in Istanbul, in a metropolis of 15 million. More than 230 researchers and industry representatives from five continents used this strategic spot for their participation in SHC2015, […]

Turkey: Market Development 2015 and Forecast 2016

With 1.9 million m² of collector area newly installed in 2014 (1.33 GWth), Turkey was again the second-largest solar thermal market after China last year. The share of vacuum tube […]

Turkey: Great Achievements with Little Policy Support

The interest in technology and market research on the solar heating and cooling sector is growing. The number of countries participating in the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme (SHC) […]

Lack of Support: Turkish Market Decreasing

The solar thermal market in Turkey is shrinking. The produced collector area has decreased by an average of 9 % each year since reaching its peak in 2004 with almost […]