Naked Energy reached two important milestones for its PVT technology in 2024. The British company received a Solar Keymark certificate for the VirtuPVT collectors in October 2024. A few days […]
In 2023 PVT collectors were used for a wide variety of different applications. In this article we present some PVT flagship projects from four different PVT manufacturers. Some of the […]
European PVT manufacturers are anticipating strong growth in demand and expanding their factories. In November 2023 Abora Solar from Spain inaugurated its extended factory in Zaragoza, which has a capacity […]
The demand for PVT collectors has grown rapidly in the last two years. Annual sales of PVT area increased 57 % to 167,165 m2 in 2021, after growth of 20 […]
Historic building stock and solar energy are not mutually exclusive, as illustrated by La Marseillaise in Nantes, western France. A block of 39 student flats, this 1930s building has no […]
PVT applications do not receive nearly as much support as solar thermal or PV systems do. Incentive schemes especially often do not include funding for PV-thermal components. In addition, special […]
The principal objective of a recently launched, EU-funded project named SunHorizon is to optimise solar-assisted heat pump systems in residential and commercial buildings. The endeavour will demonstrate a wide variety […]
The IEA’s Solar Heating and Cooling Programme will create its own international research platform on PVT systems in January 2018. Researchers and industry representatives from 13 countries so far will […]
Inventors and start-ups have been trying to combine photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into one product for many years. Finally, a new industry seems to be emerging. The IEA SHC […]
In February 2013, French manufacturer Dualsun launched its hybrid solar panel, also called PVT, a technology which produces electricity and heat simultaneously. Dualsun has been the third French company after […]