Market sector: Heat Storage

Germany: Icy Solar Heat Storage

German engineering company Ökoplan has built a 1,586 m³ ice storage in one of Hamburg’s residential areas to save solar heat from summer for winter. Parts of the heating system […]

Switzerland: New Factory for Large Storage Tanks

Swiss tank manufacturer Jenni Energietechnik is about to complete its new production line for large solar tanks in the Swiss town of Oberburg. The company invested Swiss Franc (CHF) 14 […]

India: New Five-Year Guarantee on Solar Tanks

Many Indian regions suffer from bad water quality: More than 75% of the country has moderately hard to very hard water. Chloride levels are also high in specific areas when […]

Germany: Independent of Energy Utilities

Living without gas and electricity grid connection: On 5 May, German building promoter Helma Eigenheimbau AG inaugurated its first energy self-sufficient home located in the 'show house park for sustainable […]