During an online meeting from 1 to 2 July, the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme will launch a new global research platform called Task 66 Solar Energy Buildings. The […]
How effective are integrated daylighting and electric lighting solutions in raising comfort and saving energy? To answer this question, a group of researchers working under the auspices of the IEA […]
China again led the ranking for new installations of glazed and unglazed collectors – accounting for 73% of the total – followed by Turkey, India, Brazil and the United States. […]
PV-thermal installations are extremely versatile systems, and their manufacturers can cater to a wide variety of customers, single- and multi-family building owners, hotels, swimming pools and even production facilities among […]
Solar thermal cooling remained a niche market in Europe in 2019, as air conditioning based on heat pumps and PV generators got all the attention. Nevertheless, there were a handful […]
Linuo Paradigma, one of the largest solar thermal manufacturers in China, had very good sales of large hot water systems nationally last year. Together with local businesses, its engineering team […]
One-half of the world’s largest flat plate collector manufacturers participating in the most recent survey expressed satisfaction with how business developed in 2019. One-third achieved production volumes ‘as expected’ and […]
For the second time in a row, the Australian solar heat market showed modest growth (6 %) in the number of glazed collector systems as the new collector area totalled […]
Approximately 33.3 GWth of new solar thermal capacity was commissioned in 2018, increasing total global capacity by 2 % to around 480 GWth. China accounted for about 74 % of […]
On 28 June, Standards Australia’s Committee CS-028 on Solar Water Heaters published its first standard on solar air conditioning, named AS 5389. It contains a methodology to calculate the cooling […]