Country: Belgium

Swiss Bank Sarasin: World Market Reaches 45 GWth in 2011

This week, the Swiss Bank Sarasin published the 12th edition of their solar industry report, covering all three solar technologies: solar heating and cooling (ST), photovoltaics (PV), and concentrating solar […]

Belgium: Ambitious Targets for Solar Thermal

After a five-month delay, Belgium finally submitted its National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) in November 2010 - with quite ambitious targets for solar thermal: The cumulative collector area is […]

Sweden: First Buffer Tank receives P-Mark Certificate

The buffer tank Ecoscience by Swedish tank manufacturer Fueltech Sweden AB is the first tank to receive the P-Mark certification. After one year of testing and paper work, the P-labelling of […]

Solar Thermal e-Learning: Education without a Classroom

Electronic »e-Learning« programmes for solar heating are beginning to gain popularity with training centres in the UK. These are designed to assist training centres in teaching solar domestic hot water […]