Country: Turkey

State-of-the-art collector production in Uzbekistan

Last November, Uzbek-based Artel Group gave a tour of its new collector and tank production facility in the capitel city Tashkent. It houses the manufacturing lines for selectively coated and […]

IEA SHC: New Task to Push Emerging PVT Industry

Inventors and start-ups have been trying to combine photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into one product for many years. Finally, a new industry seems to be emerging. The IEA SHC […]

Turkey: Over 1,000 Professionals Attend SolarTR 2016

The biannual SolarTR 2016 conference attracted more than 1,000 national and international solar energy stakeholders to Istanbul, Turkey, between 6 and 8 December 2016. The science- and technology-focused event showcased […]

Worldwide: Flat Plate Collector Manufacturer Ranking

The ranking of the largest flat plate collector manufacturers is headed by the same four companies as last year: Greenonetec from Austria, Fivestar from China, Soletrol from Brazil and Bosch […]

Turkey: Production Stop at Ezinç in Kayseri

Turkey dominated the headlines of daily news channels this summer, especially after the tumultuous coup attempt between 15 and 16 July and the purges that followed. But even before, at […]

Big Ups and Downs on Global Market

The global solar thermal market went into another year of notable decline in 2015. With 37.2 GWth, the newly installed glazed and unglazed collector capacity in the 18 largest countries […]