Market sector: Solar Process Heat

Chile: President Inaugurates Solar Field with 27.5 MWth

In the middle of October, Chile´s President Sebastián Piñera inaugurated the currently world´s largest solar thermal field with 27.5 MWth (39,300 m² of collector area). The system supplies heat to the […]

Germany: Programme of SMEThermal 2014 available

The development of Europe’s solar thermal industry is posing great challenges: While the residential market has been declining, there has been an increasing demand for complex industrial solutions and new […]

Tunisia Funds Solar Process Heat

Tunisia is venturing into another completely new solar thermal application area: solar process heat. After having started the national support programme Prosol first in 2005 for residential solar water heaters, […]

Germany: Experts Analyse Solar Process Heat Market

Solar thermal systems are able to meet a significant portion of the heating requirements in many industrial and commercial settings. This is one of the results of an expert workshop […]