Country: Sweden

Great advocates join board of Brussels-based SHE

Over the next two years, Solar Heat Europe (SHE) will be represented by both new and re-elected board members. While Costas Travasaros, CEO of Greek-based Prime Laser, will continue to […]

Booklet describes 28 Positive Energy Districts

By 2025, the European Union aims to have supported the design, deployment and replication of 100 Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) through its Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. PEDs represent a […]

Lessons learned from first IEA SHC online meetings

“It worked very, very well and we saved a lot of emissions,” said one of the participants in the two-day online workshop organised by research platform Solar Neighborhood Planning, also […]

Role of life-cycle costs in NZEB projects

How much does it cost to construct, run and maintain a Nearly Zero Energy Building? What energy efficiency and renewable options could work best for a given project? Answering these […]

Clean energy and clean water – a perfect match

Swedish-based Industrial Solar Holding Europe is planning to expand its operations. The company group, which has a wholly owned German subsidiary named Industrial Solar, has issued a rights offering on […]

Cities crucial to clean energy transition

The first edition of the Renewables in Cities Global Status Report was published by REN21, France, at the end of 2019. In all, 380 people, mostly volunteers, contributed to this […]