Country: Germany

Lessons learned from urban solar projects

Cities and municipalities are thought to play a decisive role in transforming energy systems. Urban planners, municipal stakeholders and consulting firms need case studies to demonstrate that solar energy can […]

Water-energy nexus in industrial sector

Water and energy are the most important resources globally. The term ‘water-energy nexus’ was coined to underline their close connection, and the phrase has become increasingly popular with international environmental […]

Crowdfunding the Heat Changers campaign

The German Solar Heating Initiative has put together a crowdfunding project to fund a consumer campaign called Heat Changers. Its initiators, Marisol Oropeza and Stefan Abrecht (first and second image […]

Three labels in Europe – what are the differences?

Labels and trademarks should give the end-consumer a clear feedback on the quality and performance of the labelled product. Currently there are three labels available for solar products or solar […]

“Racing down the renewable electricity pathway only”

The Renewables 2018 Global Status Report illustrates the sharp difference in growth between the renewable electricity and heat markets. Whereas PV had another record year, with newly installed capacity totalling […]

SDH prefeasibility studies in Bosnia and Croatia

In early 2016, EU-funded CoolHeating began using the know-how acquired during best practice projects in Austria, Denmark and Germany to help with the implementation of small modular renewable heating and […]

Solar steam for process heat and air conditioning

German Fresnel collector manufacturer Industrial Solar has completed its second industrial solar heat installation in Jordan. Three years after it had put into operation a Fresnel field at pharmaceuticals company […]