Country: Brazil

Peru and Chile: Transsen’s Expansion Strategy

The newly formed Directive Board of Transsen Peru (left to right): Edson Pereira (President of Transsen Brazil), Abel Gutiérrez, Victor Bazualdo and Newton U. Koeke (International Business Manager of Transsen […]

Solar Obligation by the Municipality in São Paulo

The huge city of São Paulo, with its approx. 19 million inhabitants, approved the first solar obligation on a municipality level in July 2007. Solar water heaters have since become […]

“São Paulo Feels the First Effects of its Solar Building spoke with Carlos Arthur A. Alencar about the solar building code campaign “Cidades Solares” (Solar Cities)” in Brazil. Alencar is president of the solar thermal industry association DASOL/ABRAVA and […]

Growth Above Average in Brazil

Since 2006, the solar thermal market in Brazil has shown growth rates above average. And according to some experts, these growth rates will continue during the coming years, despite the […]