Market sector: Solar District Heating

Three SDH plants under development in Croatia

District heating operators in Croatia have shown great interest in solar energy. Under the auspices of an EU-funded two-and-a-half-year project called KeepWarm, three feasibility studies on solar district heating (DH) […]

Benefits of 4G and 5G heat networks

Fourth-generation heat networks, which operate at about 60 °C, reduce heat losses, extend pipe life and create the best conditions for clean energy use. The photo shows one of these […]

Slovenia: Falling sales despite funding increase

In February, Slovenia adopted its Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, intending to make buildings across the country carbon neutral by 2050. As a next step, the southeast European country […]

Success factors in top SDH countries

In the last decade, Denmark, China, Germany and Austria played a leading role in the deployment of large solar thermal systems around the world. What country-specific factors helped these four […]