Market sector: Solar Process Heat

“7 MW solar heat plants will be a commodity in

Viessmann, a major German provider of climate solutions for living spaces, strengthened its project development team last year, hiring Christian Stadler and four of his ex-colleagues in June 2020, after […]

Rush on industrial solar heat in Germany

In Germany, demand for high-temperature solar process heat is growing rapidly. In the past months, Soliterm, a western German provider of turnkey solar process heat (SHIP) solutions, has conducted an […]

Industrial solar heat: status quo and costs

IRENA and Solar Heat Europe have both announced webinars that will highlight measures for decarbonising Europe’s industrial sector. On Thursday, 25 February, the IRENA Coalition for Action will present the […]

Hybrid solutions are key to decarbonising industry

Industrial solar heat will be a key element of any strategy to decarbonise the industrial sector. A mid-November workshop organised by partners to the EU-funded INSHIP project explained how industrial […]

TrustEE standardises project assessment and financing

Any company that wants to be successful in selling industrial solar heat solutions to end users and investors needs standardised project assessment and advanced risk management. To develop such processes […]

Global perspective on solar heating and cooling

Solar thermal is increasingly used to provide district heat around the world. In 2019, the market grew by about 170 % in Denmark but also expanded in other countries, such […]