Archives: News

Mexico: New Idea Exchange on Solar Process Heat

During an event in Mexico City on 30 August, a collaboration agreement was signed to establish a platform for promoting solar heat in Mexico. The partners in this project are […]

Brazil: Energy Ministry with Big Plans for Solar

The focus of the Intersolar South America in Sao Paulo: photovoltaics. Increasing electricity prices in Brazil and net metering options have generated interest among PV manufacturers from all over the […]

IEA SHC: New Task to Use Solar Energy for Water

On 18 September, there will be a definition meeting for a new task called Solar Energy in Industrial Water Management in Gleisdorf, Austria. The initiator of this international research project […]

Low-Energy Buildings: Solar Thermal, PV or Heat Pump?

What is the best way to supply heat and power to low-energy buildings? Although there is no single answer to this question, simulated the installation of a solar thermal […]

MENA/Chile: Concentrating Solar Benchmark Costs

A tender for 94.5 USD/MWhel in Dubai and an R&D initiative called SunShot in the United States have shown how the cost of concentrated solar power (CSP) could be lowered […]

Italy: 6,820 Municipalities Report Solar Thermal Use

In 2005, Legambiente, the largest environmental association in Italy, began publishing an annual report called Comuni Rinnovabili to show renewable deployment in Italian municipalities. The number of communities which had […]