Archives: News

Swiss: U-turn in Energy Policy

The 25 May may prove to be a historically important turn in Switzerland's energy policy: The Swiss Federal Council adopted a law stipulating that no new nuclear power stations are […]

Germany: Uncertain Market Development in 2011

Signs of a recovering market are hard to come by when looking at the official German market statistics: The figures of the solar industry association BSW Solar and the heating […]

Taiwan: National Athletic Games in solar-heated Pools

Both the National High School Athletic Games (April 2011) and the National Intercollegiate Athletics (May 2011) were held at the National Chung Hsing University (NCHU) located in Taichung City, Taiwan. […]

Germany: Independent of Energy Utilities

Living without gas and electricity grid connection: On 5 May, German building promoter Helma Eigenheimbau AG inaugurated its first energy self-sufficient home located in the 'show house park for sustainable […]