Keyword: vacuum tube collector

Strong vacuum tube collector sales in India

Despite a booming solar PV market, India’s solar thermal industry managed to increase sales by as much as 17 % in 2018. It sold 5.85 million vacuum tubes (2017: 4.59 […]

India: First Vacuum Tube Testing Centre Established

The School of Energy Studies at Savitribai Phule Pune University, located in Maharashtra state, has set up India’s first vacuum tube testing centre. The investment was around INR 4 million […]

India: Drop Vacuum Tube Collector Subsidy?

To protect local solar photovoltaic manufacturers, the Indian government has made it mandatory in its National Solar Mission to use locally made cells and modules. There is no such rule […]

Poland: Residential Support Programme to finally start

Long-awaited, but finally happening: Poland's launch of the subsidy scheme for residential home owners, and multi-family houses not connected to district heating systems. Run by the National Fund for Environmental […]