Companie: Solites

Learn more about SDH in 13 languages

The SDH website created by German research institute Solites has had some major updates, which include a facelift and translations into 13 languages. The Solites service offers solar district heating […]

Record participation at SDH 2018 in Graz

The 5th International Solar District Heating Conference, which took place in Graz, Austria, in mid-April, brought together 350 experts from 33 countries. It had twice as many attendees as the […]

Solar District Heating: Good Performances All Over Europe

The 4th International Solar District Heating (SDH) Conference, which had been organised under the auspices of Horizon 2020 project SDHp2m…from Policy to Market on 21/22 September 2016 in Denmark, showed […]

TASK 45 / 55: Guidelines on How to Design Seasonal

Seasonal storage is a key component in the transformation of today’s energy industry. Besides storing energy in summer for heating in winter, it can also be used to save waste […]

Central Europe: Solar District Heating Cost Comparison

German research institute Solites has compared different models of solar heat use in district heating networks by focusing on the economic viability of these projects. The study Solar Heat Networks […]