The latest R&D developments in solar cooling presented during a workshop in Madrid, Spain, on 11 April sparked great interest among the attendees from the international air conditioning industry. Held […]
In April, two workshops for solar cooling took place in Asia. At the beginning of the month, a workshop in Singapore focused on the use of solar cooling in tropical […]
In Australia, solar cooling is still a niche technology - despite good solar resources and a large air-conditioning and refrigeration market. The multiple market barriers which prevent the technology from […]
The three speakers for the two-day workshop in Abu Dhabi (from left): Riadh Bhar (Ecofys Germany), Uli Jakob (Solem Consulting) and Rainer Schmidt (TST-C Thomas Schmidt Consultants GmbH) had extensive […]
Solar cooling systems on dairy farms possess a high impact on the energy consumption of such businesses. Solar energy can contribute up to 80 % of the total cooling load […]
Satisfied engineers: Antoine Millioud (left) and Stefan Minder of the Australian company NEP Solar show the Innovation Award that they won at Intersolar 2009 for their PolyTrough collector with a […]
Independent solar cooling specialists and lobbyists: Dr Paul Kohlenbach (left) initiated the Australian Solar Cooling Interest Group (ausSCIG) and Dr. Uli Jakob initiated the Green Chiller Association for Sorption Cooling […]