Companie: SEIA

USA: New US Solar Heating and Cooling Alliance

A strong voice for the solar thermal industry: that is the aim of the new US Solar Heating and Cooling Alliance (SHC Alliance), a division of the Solar Energy Industries […]

USA: SRCC Expands Solar Thermal Services

The US Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC) is extending its list of services for the solar thermal sector. In a press release from 31 January 2013, the organisation announces […]

USA: Solar Heating and Cooling Gets Less Attention

The US-American solar heating and cooling industry has been receiving significantly less attention than solar electricity technologies. An example of that is the webpage “My Solar Job”, which gathers profiles […]

USA: Solar Water Heaters Survive Energy Star Revisions

During the revision of the Energy Star specifications, solar water heaters were in danger of losing the label because of their long financial payback times (see The third draft […]

USA: Industry Joins Promotion Campaign for Solar Thermal

More than 20 solar thermal companies have joined Eneref Institute’s Solar Thermal Advantage initiative as sponsors since the initiative’s kick-off meeting in October 2011. The campaign was started five years […]

USA: Solar Heating and Cooling R&D Renewed

In policy lobbying even a single sentence included in a bill is, in some cases, already a huge success. This is exactly the case for the Energy and Water Appropriations […]