Companie: Modulo Solar

Successes and challenges on the SHIP world market 2023

Success and frustration went hand-in-hand on the global solar industrial heat market 2023. Some companies were extremely successful in implementing many small SHIP (Solar Heat for Industrial Processes) projects or […]

Commercial solar heat market in Panama starts moving

The Termosolar Panamá initiative is bearing its first fruits. Three large pumped solar systems in the public health sector and two solar industrial heat plants started operation in the last […]

México City: solar capital facing obstacles

Mexico City has recorded successes and setbacks on its journey as a solar capital. Claudia Sheinbaum, the Mayor of the city with 20 million inhabitants, announced the Energy Sustainability Strategy […]

World’s largest flat plate collector manufacturers in 2019

One-half of the world’s largest flat plate collector manufacturers participating in the most recent survey expressed satisfaction with how business developed in 2019. One-third achieved production volumes ‘as expected’ and […]

Solar heat for largest private hospital in Bogotá

A new solar water heating system consisting of 220 flat plate collectors, as well as six air-to-water heat pumps used as backup energy supply, came into operation in Colombia’s capital […]