The IEA SHC Task 65 on Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt Regions has built up a comprehensive knowhow base over the last four years. 16 reports and a number of […]
The UNIDO-coordinated Regional Sustainable Energy Centres will become sponsor members of the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme, a decision made by the IEA SHC Executive Committee at a meeting […]
Fundación Bariloche, a private-sector research institute based in Argentina, has recently published a report on the differences between the solar thermal markets in Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Uruguay. […]
In December 2015, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published a comprehensive report on how to establish a quality infrastructure (QI) for solar water heaters on small-scale markets (see the […]
According to REN21’s Renewables 2014 Global Status Report, which was published at the UN-hosted Sustainable Energy for All Forum in New York at the beginning of June, solar thermal technologies […]
A comprehensive documentation of the workshop “Quality Assurance for Solar Water Heaters: Tasks for the Quality Infrastructure” is now available online on the webpage of the German federal agency PTB […]
Amr M. Abdel Hai, Programme Officer for the Energy Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (left), and Eduardo Noboa, Renewable Energy and Environment Coordinator from the Latin American […]
Pioneering solar water heater technology in California: William J. Bailey, a clever business man from California, started producing solar water heaters in his company Day and Night Solar Heater Co. […]
One of 45,000 solar thermal installations on the island of Barbados was installed at the Oistins Police Station in 2008. Photo: Solar Dynamics