All signs point to a successful conference: Experienced event organizer AEE Intec from Austria and PSE from Germany, teamed up with the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) and the members […]
Now it is official: The Portuguese government will not extend the solar thermal incentive programme, contrary to informal statements made by the responsible authorities since December 2009. Stopping the incentives […]
Everything revolves around the sun: 17 European countries participate in the 3rd edition of the European Solar Days from 1 to 16 May 2010. Around 6,600 events are planned for […]
Some countries in Europe have made plans for using solar energy to cover between 1 and 4% of their gross final demand of heating and cooling by 2020. The states […]
The only way to receive the certificate of competence (CAP) as an installer in Portugal is to attend a 44- to 70-hour training, depending on one's previous knowledge of the […]
Solar Keymark is a very broadly accepted label on the European solar thermal market. More than 1,000 collector certificates have been issued since the introduction of the certification system in […]
“The intentions were good, but the implementation was very confusing. When the programme started in March, the market players were not informed and only one company met the conditions of […] spoke with Manuel Collares-Pereira, R&D director of the Portuguese collector manufacturer Aosol, about the development of his company and the Portuguese solar thermal incentive programme. Photo: Aosol
Estec2009 – a meeting point for solar thermal experts in Europe: Around 400 representatives of associations, as well as manufacturers, politicians and researchers discussed trends, potentials and obstacles of the […]
At the moment, the most important factor for the sales success in Portugal is to either be able to join the incentive programme – or to be left out of […]