Market sector: Domestic Hot Water and Heating

Italy: Tax Credits extended but under worse Conditions

Photovoltaic and solar thermal systems competing for roof space in Italy's residential sector: Solar electricity is booming, and the 55 % tax reduction for solar thermal installations was just extended […]

Canada: Ups and Downs in different Application Areas

After experiencing high growth in 2008, Canada’s solar thermal industry had to cope with mixed results in 2009. The Survey of Active Solar Thermal Collectors, Industry and Markets in Canada […]

USA: 100th Anniversary of modern Solar Thermal Heater

Pioneering solar water heater technology in California: William J. Bailey, a clever business man from California, started producing solar water heaters in his company Day and Night Solar Heater Co. […]

Czech Republic: Subsidy Programme halted

Czechs trying to finalize their applications for the subsidy programme Zelena Usporam (Green Savings) at the last minute: The Czech Ministry of the Environment had announced an interruption of the […]