Country: Brazil

“Racing down the renewable electricity pathway only”

The Renewables 2018 Global Status Report illustrates the sharp difference in growth between the renewable electricity and heat markets. Whereas PV had another record year, with newly installed capacity totalling […]

12,000 m² of concentrating solar planned in Brazil

A consortium of around 10 companies is planning to build a 12,000 m² concentrating solar plant in Jaborandi, Bahia state, to the northeast of Brazil’s capital. This combined process heat […]

Solar industrial heat market – a 2017 survey

2017 was a record year for systems providing solar heat for industrial processes, since at least 110 large ones adding up to 192,580 m² were put into operation. This has […]

First heliostat field made in Brazil

The University of São Paulo in Pirassununga (see photo) is about to get its own field of heliostats on campus. Once completed, the sea of mirrors will focus sunlight onto […]

CBENS to discuss solar heat for industry

Brazil’s solar energy association ABENS has invited about 500 experts to the solar energy conference CBENS taking place from 17 to 20 April 2018 in Gramado. This year’s event, held […]

Sun provides 70 % of hot water in blocks of

More than 3,500 solar water heating systems have been in operation at blocks of flats across Brazil’s ‘solar city’ Belo Horizonte. This figure, an estimate by organisations which were previously […]

IEA´s Renewables Outlook 2017-2022

The IEA’s Renewables 2017 market report was launched in London in early October. The document, which had been called Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report until last year, is published annually and […]

Belo Horizonte – Brazil´s Solar Capital

Belo Horizonte, a municipality about 600 km north of Sao Paulo in the state of Minas Gerais, is also known as the solar capital of Brazil. Not only does it […]

Brazil: Energy Ministry with Big Plans for Solar

The focus of the Intersolar South America in Sao Paulo: photovoltaics. Increasing electricity prices in Brazil and net metering options have generated interest among PV manufacturers from all over the […]