Country: Austria

Austria: Tough Competition in a Shrinking Market

2012 meant shrinking sales figures in the Austrian solar thermal market for the third time in a row. Although most states have increased their subsidies for solar thermal, 2013 does […]

How to Finance a Large-scale Solar Thermal Plant

One of the organisations which have had experiences with RES leases over many years is the Austrian UniCredit Leasing. Josef Robert Straninger, Country Coordinator of the Competence Center Renewable Energies […]

Austria: More and Less Successful Subsidy Schemes

Austria´s solar thermal market has come to depend a great deal on incentive programmes. The schemes in 2012, however, met with varying degrees of success. Demand was again great for […]

Solar Thermal Bankable – yes or no?

It is not easy at all to persuade third parties to finance large-scale ESCO (Energy Service Company) projects for solar thermal: The financial sector needs to become more aware of […]

India: Flat Plate vs Vacuum Tube Technology

Until now, the Indian solar thermal market has been dominated by flat plate collectors (FPCs). FPCs have several advantages, with the main being robust and long-lasting. In a price-sensitive market […]