Country: USA

Business and financing models – a clear distinction

Non-technical barriers often play a critical role when it comes to increasing the number of solar cooling systems in the sunbelt countries. Business and financing models are among the important […]

Concentrating solar heat capacity quadruples in 2022

Multinational corporations have discovered solar steam as an important way to achieve their climate protection goals. Among the global players that have purchased a solar industrial heat plant this year […]

Solar heat market and industry info package 2022

The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report is a heavy publication. It aims to report comprehensively on nine renewable energy technologies and their market, industrial and political developments in 2021. This […]

Insights into global PVT market development

The demand for PVT collectors has grown rapidly in the last two years. Annual sales of PVT area increased 57 % to 167,165 m2 in 2021, after growth of 20 […]