Country: Austria

Austria: All-in-One Climate Protection

Two blocks of flats in Kapfenberg, Austria, were turned into energy-plus buildings this year (see photo). Prefabricated facades and building service elements were the basis for a fast and efficient […]

Iran: POMAco’s View on Iranian Solar Thermal Market

After Iran’s elections in June and the new government taking over in August, hopes are that solar thermal could become an increasingly important technology in the Mideast country. Hossein Riyahi […]

SHC 2013: “Be transparent about the performance”

Europe’s first International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry, the SHC 2013, has been a success. Between 23 and 25 September, around 400 participants from 37 […]

Global Trends in Solar Heat Worldwide 2011 Study

The Solar Heat Worldwide 2011 report from May 2013 again gathers the latest market figures from 56 countries around the globe, covering 95 % of the world’s solar thermal market, […]