Country: Austria

Smart Heat: Ruvi Solar Highlights Customer Experience

Studies by different consulting companies, such as PricewaterhouseCoopers and Oliver Wyman, agree that information technology will revolutionise the energy sector from the ground up. Along with the trend of “digitalisation” […]

Europe: Conference Season in First Half of 2016

lendar of events on shows around 60 events relevant to the solar heating and cooling sector. This article will highlight some of the upcoming conferences dedicated to the sector […]

Germany: Two National Awards for Solar Thermal Specialists

]]Within only two months, the German Federal Environment Minister, Barbara Hendriks, awarded two solar thermal companies with a high-level prize. On 23 November 2015, Austrian polymer collector developer Sunlumo received […]

Austria: Optimising of Large-scale Collector Fields

One key aspect of the energy and cost optimisation of large-scale collector fields (called arrays in this news) is collector array hydraulics. Optimal connection is achieved when (1) the costs […]

Turkey: Market Development 2015 and Forecast 2016

With 1.9 million m² of collector area newly installed in 2014 (1.33 GWth), Turkey was again the second-largest solar thermal market after China last year. The share of vacuum tube […]