Whenever large heat consumers want to move away from oil and gas, combining a collector field and brine heat pumps is an idea well worth considering. The crucial question then […]
Operating a wastewater treatment plant is a complex task in itself. If you start thinking about using solar energy to drive certain separation or disinfection processes, the task becomes even […]
At a workshop set to take place on 4 and 5 April in Graz, Austria, the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme will launch a new research platform about Efficient […]
A special “Fall School” for PhD and advanced master’s students to enhance their knowledge of designing and implementing solar strategies in urban areas was offered by the IEA SHC Task […]
At the end of May, representatives for Norwegian EnergyNest, Swedish Azelio and US Malta joined a webinar organised by Spanish agency ATA Insights to talk about their companies’ innovative, cost-competitive […]
The Swedish company Absolicon Solar Collector has joined forces with ABB Robotics to sell complete automated production lines for parabolic trough collectors throughout the world. The company has so far […]
More and more solar thermal companies are financing their growth by issuing shares. The most recent example is Tigi from Israel with its IPO on 21st March 2021. Some Scandinavian […]
Experts working on the Solar Neighborhood Planning project have created workflow stories to find out which tools urban planners use and what problems they encounter while doing so. The image […]
The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme has just launched a database containing a substantial number of fact sheets about solar district heating technologies, best practices and markets. The 29 […]
In November, construction began on what will be Sweden’s largest district heating system based on solar concentrating technology. This 3,000 m2 field of parabolic trough collectors (1.5 MWth) is part […]