Country: Italy

Concentrating solar heat capacity quadruples in 2022

Multinational corporations have discovered solar steam as an important way to achieve their climate protection goals. Among the global players that have purchased a solar industrial heat plant this year […]

Solar heat market and industry info package 2022

The Renewables 2022 Global Status Report is a heavy publication. It aims to report comprehensively on nine renewable energy technologies and their market, industrial and political developments in 2021. This […]

Insights into global PVT market development

The demand for PVT collectors has grown rapidly in the last two years. Annual sales of PVT area increased 57 % to 167,165 m2 in 2021, after growth of 20 […]

Superbonus has pushed solar heat in Italy

The combination of the Conto Termico incentive scheme, supporting renewable heat installations, and the 110 % Superbonus for energy efficiency in buildings allowed Italy to hit a record year for […]