Country: China

Global Trends in Solar Heat Worldwide 2011 Study

The Solar Heat Worldwide 2011 report from May 2013 again gathers the latest market figures from 56 countries around the globe, covering 95 % of the world’s solar thermal market, […]

India: Phase I Results of National Solar Mission

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched in January 2010 as one of the eight Missions under Climate Change in India and was to be implemented by the Ministry […]

China: Flat Plate Collector Share is Growing

Prof Guangming Xie is a well-known expert on the solar thermal industry in China and Executive President of the China Solar Thermal Industry Federation (CSTIF). He had been a researcher […]

India: Drop Vacuum Tube Collector Subsidy?

To protect local solar photovoltaic manufacturers, the Indian government has made it mandatory in its National Solar Mission to use locally made cells and modules. There is no such rule […]

India: Industry Shifts to Vacuum Tube Collectors

The renewed growth of the Indian solar thermal market has existing manufacturers expanding their production capacities and integrating vertically. Solar water heaters based on vacuum tube collectors are a popular […]