Country: Spain

Three ways to read European market statistics

There is more than one way to read 2016’s market statistics published by Solar Heat Europe about 2 months ago. One could emphasise the great achievements made in reducing emissions […]

French PVT market is picking up

The IEA’s Solar Heating and Cooling Programme will create its own international research platform on PVT systems in January 2018. Researchers and industry representatives from 13 countries so far will […]

Maintenance as New Business Option in Spain

Recently, maintenance has gained popularity among Spanish solar thermal installers, according to the country’s national solar industry association, ASIT. Its general secretary, Pascual Polo, has been working to encourage the […]

Spain: Marketing Activities Foster SHIP Market

The Spanish market for Industrial Solar Heat (SHIP) is still small: Currently, there are only three installations ongoing across the country (see screen shot). Now, the Spanish Solar Concentra platform […]

IEA´s Renewables Outlook 2017-2022

The IEA’s Renewables 2017 market report was launched in London in early October. The document, which had been called Medium-Term Renewable Energy Market Report until last year, is published annually and […]

MENA/Chile: Concentrating Solar Benchmark Costs

A tender for 94.5 USD/MWhel in Dubai and an R&D initiative called SunShot in the United States have shown how the cost of concentrated solar power (CSP) could be lowered […]