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60 Solar Cities in India

60 Solar Cities in India

Nagpur city in central India – one of 60 solar cities in India supported by the government. An ambitious programme by the Indian federal Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) will make Nagpur city a model solar city by 2012. The city, located in the state of Maharashtra, central …
Cautious Optimism in Germany

Cautious Optimism in Germany

The German solar thermal industry rides roller coaster. After a 40 % decrease in 2007 and a 120 % increase in 2008, the outlook for this year still remains foggy. Can we again reach the 2008 market volume of 2.1 million m2? The sector says we can! This is one …
Tremendous Market Growth in Germany

Tremendous Market Growth in Germany

The German solar thermal market more than doubled in 2008. According to the solar industry association BSW-Solar and the heating industry association BDH; 2.1 million m2 of new collector area (1.5 GWth) were installed on German roofs last year (940,000 m2 = 658 MWth in 2007). This proves to be …
Monopoly on Laser Welding in the USA

Monopoly on Laser Welding in the USA

Laser welding machine for absorber sheets: A patent in the United States could slowdown the development of this technology. Photo: Sunlaser Consulting …
Solar cooling: a new Field for Simulations

Solar cooling: a new Field for Simulations

Solar cooling is a promising new field of application for solar thermal technology. A new version of the simulation software Polysun will be published in April. It will not only be able to design solar thermal systems but also solar powered cooling plants that work with compression coolers or fan …
South Africa: Rebates up to 30 %

South Africa: Rebates up to 30 %

90 % of South Africa’s electricity is generated by coal-fired power stations. The fourth quarter of 2007, however, started with massive power cuts as electricity supply fell behind demand. Eskom, the largest electricity supplier in Africa, the South African Government and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), began to implement alternative …
Solar Thermal Energy in Antarctica

Solar Thermal Energy in Antarctica

Surviving in harsh climate: This vacuum tube collector system has heated the Brandfield House at the Rothera research station in the Antartic since February 2008. Photo: British Antarctic Survey …
The Cap is Gone

The Cap is Gone

U.S. President Obama’s signature on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act effectively removed the existing US$2,000 cap for the tax rebate of residential solar thermal systems. Whoever buys a new solar thermal system in 2009 can deduct 30 % of the investment costs from his or her income tax – …


How much does solar heat cost?
ESCO – a new business model
PV-Thermal: all-rounder for buildings
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