The German PVT market is on the move. New supplier structures are being established and more and more really large PVT systems have been realized or recently announced. The photo, […]
Naked Energy reached two important milestones for its PVT technology in 2024. The British company received a Solar Keymark certificate for the VirtuPVT collectors in October 2024. A few days […]
Dr. Korbinian Kramer from the German institute Fraunhofer ISE has successfully presented the leadership team and outline for the new research platform on PVT Heating Systems to the Executive Committee […]
Buildings with a high solar fraction require a good mix of technologies and energy efficiency measures. The scientists of IEA SHC Task 66 on Solar Energy Buildings have analysed 150 […]
EuroSun in Cyprus attracted around 200 visitors from over 40 countries. They all recognized that solar heat technologies are an important pillar of the energy supply on this island. 92 […]
A large number of different collector types are available for planners to integrate into district heating systems. A recent report by the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme titled Solar […]
The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme has strengthened its worldwide presence and broadened its range of research topics. During its Executive Committee meeting in Norway in June 2023 it […]
Despite numerous innovative trends, the Chinese solar thermal market continues to shrink. In 2023, 15.3 GW of collectors were installed in China, 8 % less than in the previous year. […]
Solar heat is a versatile technology that now provides heating services to 122 million customers worldwide. The just published Solar Heat Worldwide study, edition 2024, contains the latest data on […]
Europe is the leading region worldwide for PVT technology. Of the global 1.6 million m2 of PVT collectors in operation, 64 % are installed in Europe. The leading countries are […]