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Albania: New Energy Law Shows Country’s Strong Commitment to Solar Thermal

Albania: New Energy Law Shows Country’s Strong Commitment to Solar Thermal

The new Albanian law on Renewable Energy Sources No. 138/2013 from 2 May 2013, which was published in the Official Gazette No. 83 on 20 May 2013, requires builders to adhere to a minimum share of solar thermal heat for certain building types. Furthermore, the so-called RES Law exempts solar …
Germany: Almeco Solar Presents Absorber Tube for Process Heat Collectors

Germany: Almeco Solar Presents Absorber Tube for Process Heat Collectors

German coating manufacturer Almeco Solar has designed a new absorber tube: Small in size with a working temperature around 200 °C and no vacuum. The company wants to beat both the performance and the current price of black chrome absorber tubes. The solution is called Tinox tube 2.0 and has …
Egypt: Stakeholders sign Memorandum of Understanding for Solar Initiative

Egypt: Stakeholders sign Memorandum of Understanding for Solar Initiative

At a press conference on 2 June 2013, Khaled Gasser, Chairman of the Solar Energy Development Association (SEDA), Sherif Elwi, Deputy Chairman of the National Bank of Egypt, Hisham Zaazou, Egypt’s Minister of Tourism, and Hussein Ghaleb, Vice Chairman of the Egyptian Hotel Association (EHA) (from left to right), signed …
France: One Voice for Renewable Heat

France: One Voice for Renewable Heat

In France, players of solar thermal, geothermal, heat pumps and biomass founded the Alliance Chaleur Renouvelable (translated as Renewable Heat Alliance) in February 2013. “This network speaks with one voice when it comes to the demands and suggestions from the renewable heat industry,” says Valérie Laplagne, Initiator of the project …
Australia: Country to Publish First Solar Air Conditioning Standard

Australia: Country to Publish First Solar Air Conditioning Standard

In April, two workshops for solar cooling took place in Asia. At the beginning of the month, a workshop in Singapore focused on the use of solar cooling in tropical regions and gathered around 70 participants from research and industry (see photo). The workshop took place at Cleantech One, which …
India: Drop Vacuum Tube Collector Subsidy?

India: Drop Vacuum Tube Collector Subsidy?

To protect local solar photovoltaic manufacturers, the Indian government has made it mandatory in its National Solar Mission to use locally made cells and modules. There is no such rule for the solar thermal sector, in which the state subsidises 30 to 60 % of the price of a solar …
USA: California Solar Initiative to Add Technologies to Eligibility List

USA: California Solar Initiative to Add Technologies to Eligibility List

The California Solar Initiative (CSI) is further extending the number of system types eligible for its CSI – Solar Thermal programme. Already in December 2012, California’s Governor, Edmund Brown, signed a law stipulating that solar heating of commercial pools is to be incorporated into the subsidy scheme. In March 2013, …
UAE/Dubai: Solar-Heated Chocolate Factory

UAE/Dubai: Solar-Heated Chocolate Factory

Austrian collector manufacturer Tisun has announced that it sold 510 m² of solar collectors to an “international confectionery manufacturer” in Jebel Ali in the emirate of Dubai. The company which installed the 200 collectors in May was Tisun’s subsidiary Tisun GCC, located in Ras Al Khaimah in the United Arab …


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