XVIII Congreso Ibérico y XIV Congreso Iberoamericano de Energía Solar, 2022, Palma, Spain

The Iberian Congress of Solar Energy has been held in Spain and Portugal since 1982, and has been held jointly with the Ibero-American Congress of Solar Energy in thirteen of its seventeen editions. It is therefore the most important and most traditional congress in the field of solar energy in Spanish and Portuguese. ➜Event webseite […]

Euroheat & Power Conference, 2022, Brussels, Belgium

After more than two years, the Euroheat & Power Conference will bring the district heating and cooling (DHC) community together again in Brussels. The pandemic may have interrupted the physical networking, but it has not stopped the energy transition! The European DHC industry, represented by Euroheat & Power (EHP), has pledged to pursue the full decarbonisation of […]

Intersolar Mexico, 2022, Mexico City

Intersolar Mexico serves as the industry’s go-to source for invaluable technology trends and premier B2B contacts in the promising Mexican solar market. More than 300 exhibitors and 13,500 visitors from over 35 countries are expected to participate from 6 to 8 September. If you also want to be at the largest meeting of professionals in […]

SolarPACES, 2022, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA

SolarPACES is the premier international network advancing research, development, and commercial deployment of concentrating solar-thermal power (CSP) and related technologies.   "CSP continues to see significant global growth, with approximately a gigawatt of capacity currently under construction. Integration with thermal energy storage continues to prove that the technology can provide flexible, dispatchable solar energy any […]

European Sustainable Energy Week, 2022, Belgium

The Policy Conference is the largest European conference on renewable energy and energy efficiency in Europe. This year’s Policy Conference will take place from 26 to 29 September 2022 in a hybrid format. If you are contributing to clean, secure and efficient energy, then, the European Sustainable Energy Week is for you. ➜Event webseite "It […]


The APSRC provides a regional forum for the communication of research results from all areas of solar research: PV devices, concentrating solar thermal, deployment & integration, solar heating & cooling as well as solar fuels and chemistry. ➜Event Website The conference provides a great opportunity for young researchers and professionals to share knowledge and network […]

International Renewable Energy Conference, 2023, Madrid, Spain

The International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) is one of REN21’s most important events. Organised by REN21 and the Government of Spain, the next IREC will be held together with GENERA 2023, Spain’s annual, international Energy and Environment Fair. Dedicated exclusively to the sustainable energy transition, IREC is a high-level political conference series that acts as […]

World Sustainable Energy Days, 2023, Wels, Austria

The European Sustainable Energy Week brings together public authorities, private companies, projects, NGOs and consumers to promote initiatives to save energy and move towards renewables for clean, secure and efficient energies. The event will take place from 1 – 3 March 2023 in Wels, Austria. The organizers cordially invite you to participate with your contributions […]

ISH, 2023, Frankfurt am Main

The world’s leading trade fair for water, heat and air Opens again after turbulent times. ➜ Event Website  We know which future topics our customers are currently dealing with and are closely networked with politics, social institutions of all kinds – and above all with the industries that are present at our trade fairs. ISH […]

The IETS TCP´s International Conference, 2023, Sweden

Industry is one of the largest GHG (Greenhouse Gas) emitting sectors globally. The transformation of this sector for higher energy efficiency and GHG mitigation is crucial for industrial and societal economy and climate.   "This is where the industry, academy and policy makers meet to discuss measures, opportunities and obstacles for achieving a future energy-efficient […]

100% RHC Event 2023, Turin, Italy

You are kindly invited to the yearly conference "Towards 100% renewable energy-based heating and cooling in Europe: A secure energy supply in times of crisis" by RHC-ETIP (the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Renewable Heating and Cooling). ➜ Event Website ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The conference will take place in Turin, Italy, on May 25. It will […]

European Sustainable Energy Week, Brussels, Belgium

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will once again be held in a hybrid format this year, with speakers and audiences having the option to participate both in person in Brussels and virtually from June 20–22, 2023. ➜ Event Website ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Policy Conference this year will provide sharp insights into the skills opportunities and […]

Solar & Energy Storage Summit 2023

The discussions for accelerating the development of North American solar and storage through the transformative impact of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and advancing the transition to a clean energy future will continue at Wood Mackenzie's Solar Energy and Storage Summit, now in its sixteenth year. ➜ Event Website ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Join the leading grid-scale utilities, […]

Smart City Expo World Congress, Barcelona, 2023

The global population is expected to grow to 10B by 2050, and 70% of these people will live in cities. In 40 years, we will have built as many new cities as in all of human history.#   "Let’s keep spurring the smart urban revolution towards human-centric cities always inspired by people." -> Event Website […]

Smart Energy Systems International Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

The Smart Energy System concept is essential for cost‐effective 100% renewable energy systems. The concept includes a focus on energy efficiency, end use savings and sector integration to establish energy system flexibility, harvest synergies by using all infrastructures and lower energy storage cost. The aim of the conference is to create a forum for the […]

The 29th SolarPACES Conference, Sydney, Australia

Over the past three decades, SolarPACES has played a significant role in the advancement of concentrating solar thermal technology. Policymakers, financiers, developers, researchers, and professionals from all around the world meet and discuss ideas, advancements, and opportunities during the conference. ➜ Event Website ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The 29th conference will also give attendees the chance to take […]

Renewable Thermal Collaborative Summit 2023, Washington, DC

Join the RTC community's fourth annual summit on October 19–20 at the Park Hyatt in Washington, DC! Large thermal energy consumers, providers of renewable energy solutions, financiers, governments, and nonprofit organizations dedicated to decarbonizing global thermal energy usage will all be present at the event. ➜ Event Website _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is an important occasion for […]

Solar World Congress, New Delhi, India

The ISES Solar World Congress, which will take place in New Delhi, India, from 30 October to 4 November 2023, will offer a platform for scientists, researchers, engineers, architects, and representatives from business and industry to present and discuss their most recent results, advancements, and viewpoints. ➜ Event Website ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Plenary sessions, keynote addresses, technical […]

International Sustainable Energy Conference (ISEC) 2024, Graz, Austria

AEE Intec

The focus of ISEC 2024 will be on how we can achieve energy sovereignty within a time horizon dictated by climate change and defined by politics. Global solutions such as the transformation of our economic system towards a sustainable circular economy, the complete phase-out of fossil fuels, the implementation of sector coupling and energy storage […]

Symposium Solar Thermal Heat and Innovative Heat Systems, Staffelstein, Germany

The solar thermal symposium brings together sciencists, suppliers and practitioners to give solar thermal the focus it deserves as an ecologically and economically sensible application in the building and industry sector. The German speaking conference provides a good overview of current trends in the market and in research in German-speaking countries. Attendees can meet representatives […]

Genera, 2024, Madrid, Spain

Madrid Exhibition Centre Madrid, Spain

The Spanish International Trade Fair for Energy and the Environment, GENERA, confirms itself as a benchmark platform for the renewable energy and energy efficiency sector.  Over three days, GENERA 2023 was at the centre of market trends and the exchange of experience and know-how, thanks to the extensive conference program, with almost 2,500 attendees this […]

EuroHeat&Power Congress 2024, Rotterdam, Netherlands

The Euroheat & Power Congress is Euroheat & Power’s flagship business event. It offers on an annual basis exclusive perspectives on legislation, business models, technology and market developments shaping the district heating and cooling industry. The organisers expect to brings together over 450 business executives, more than 30 exhibitors, 60+ speakers and local authority representatives […]

Solar Colloquium 2024, Cologne, Germany

Solar Thermal Energy on the Rise - Perspectives for Heat Transition and Sustainable Fuels. The event will highlight the increasing importance of solar thermal energy as a key technology for the heat transition. It will focus on the potential of solar thermal energy for heat generation in various areas of application and its role in […]

Eurosun 2024, Limassol, Cyprus

ISES and the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme are pleased to announce EuroSun 2024 - the International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry - to take place from 26 - 30 August 2024 in Limassol, Cyprus. EuroSun 2024 is jointly organized by ISES and IEA SHC and the local hosts […]

Intersolar Mexico – The International Exhibition and Conference for the Solar Industry, Mexico City

Intersolar Mexico serves as the industry's go-to resource for priceless technological developments and exclusive B2B connections in the burgeoning Mexican solar business . Intersolar Mexico sits at the cross-section of photovoltaics, solar heating and cooling technologies, and energy storage. ➜ Event Website ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The combined events are the biggest professional meeting in Mexico for foreign manufacturers […]

International Conference on Solar Technologies & Hybrid Mini Grids 2024, Palma, Spain

The conference will provide an overview of the state of the art in different areas of solar technology and provide a space for exchange between participants, presenting their results from scientific research and practical experience.   ➜Event Website  Solar PV and thermal technologies and other decentralized renewable energy technologies offer a unique opportunity to provide […]

Sustainable Places, 2024, Luxembourg

Sustainable Places prides itself on being an ideal platform for the dissemination of research, the conduct of workshops, EU project clustering and networking between stakeholders of all types. SP2024 will be held over three days in a hybrid (digital + in-person) event format. Between opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organized workshops […]