Companie: Solarus

Successes and challenges on the SHIP world market 2023

Success and frustration went hand-in-hand on the global solar industrial heat market 2023. Some companies were extremely successful in implementing many small SHIP (Solar Heat for Industrial Processes) projects or […]

IEA SHC: New Task to Push Emerging PVT Industry

Inventors and start-ups have been trying to combine photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into one product for many years. Finally, a new industry seems to be emerging. The IEA SHC […]

USA: Industry Joins Promotion Campaign for Solar Thermal

More than 20 solar thermal companies have joined Eneref Institute’s Solar Thermal Advantage initiative as sponsors since the initiative’s kick-off meeting in October 2011. The campaign was started five years […]

Sweden: Feeding Solar Heat into the Grid

In Sweden, it is not uncommon to feed solar heat into district heating networks. "After a bit of persuasion, most district heating companies will agree to buy the heat, but […]