The biggest challenge for a small market like the solar cooling one – which has still a long way to go – is how to reduce system costs. One way […]
The first large-scale system which incorporates the newly developed CoolStore chiller by Swedish company ClimateWell was commissioned in June 2014 and has since been operating flawlessly at Swedish coffee producer […]
The latest development of Swedish Company ClimateWell is called CoolStore and can be integrated into a collector casing. ClimateWell offers this special vacuum tube, which produces heat or cold, to […]
ClimateWell AB, located in Stockholm, is one of 12 companies which were chosen among 4,000 applicants in a ten-week contest organised by US-American General Electric Co (GE). ClimateWell won in […]
Electricity, heating and cooling from one and the same energy plant, all simultaneously: this is the special feature of the recently inaugurated solar installation at the Närvård Härnösand hospital. Photo: […]
Under the burning sun of Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 161 m2 of vacuum tube collectors by Irish manufacturer Kingspan Renewables provide enough heat for 6 small-size absorption chillers with a […]
Factory of Climatewell in the Spanish town of Soria: The Swedish company is setting up a production line of solar absorption chillers. Photo: Climatewell