Development of solar process heat projects is a challenging business around the world. Slow decision-making by the clients, low fossil fuel energy prices and a lack of faith in the […]
There are opportunities for solar industrial heat in a large number of countries globally. Among the key markets are Germany, Chile, Spain and France, which were named most by turnkey […]
In 2020, Germany was the world’s leading solar district heating market, while China saw the largest increase in the number of industrial solar heat systems added in a single country, […]
The just started international research platform Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt region is very popular among research institutions, manufacturers and consultancies around the world. Already more than 50 organisations from […]
Transferring knowledge and solar cooling technology to sunbelt countries in Africa, on the Mediterranean coast and in Asia will be the main aim of a new research platform planned by […]
This May, two experts in solar heating and cooling – Dr Korbinian Kramer and Christian Holter (second and fourth from right, respectively) – were presented with Mission Innovation Champion awards […]
UAE-based Ocean Rubber Factory has been satisfied with its new 240 m² solar process heat system made by Swiss supplier TVP Solar. Mounted on the company’s factory roof in the […]
In 2018, solar water heater suppliers headquartered in Europe were more satisfied with sales than those not located on the continent. In all, 78 % of the former saw a […]
Some countries in northern and eastern Africa will grow into important markets for solar thermal products in the coming years: This was a statement the majority of the 58 export-orientated […]
A contract to set up a solar district heating network in Langkazi county in Tibet has been awarded to Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems. The Chinese-Danish joint venture signed an agreement with […]