Country: UAE

Solar cooling concepts for hot climates

The just started international research platform Solar Cooling for the Sunbelt region is very popular among research institutions, manufacturers and consultancies around the world. Already more than 50 organisations from […]

Global support for solar cooling in sunbelt regions

Transferring knowledge and solar cooling technology to sunbelt countries in Africa, on the Mediterranean coast and in Asia will be the main aim of a new research platform planned by […]

SHC experts become Mission Innovation Champions

This May, two experts in solar heating and cooling – Dr Korbinian Kramer and Christian Holter (second and fourth from right, respectively) – were presented with Mission Innovation Champion awards […]

Exciting prospects in Kenya, Morocco and the UAE

Some countries in northern and eastern Africa will grow into important markets for solar thermal products in the coming years: This was a statement the majority of the 58 export-orientated […]

Solar district heating on the Roof of the World

A contract to set up a solar district heating network in Langkazi county in Tibet has been awarded to Arcon-Sunmark Large-Scale Solar Systems. The Chinese-Danish joint venture signed an agreement with […]