Country: Finland

Large prefab SDH collectors: design and yields

Collector size is key when designing solar thermal systems for use in district heating and industry. Roughly speaking, the larger the individual collectors, the easier it will be to install […]

Booklet describes 28 Positive Energy Districts

By 2025, the European Union aims to have supported the design, deployment and replication of 100 Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) through its Strategic Energy Technology (SET) Plan. PEDs represent a […]

NewHeat secures EUR 13 million loan to finance 5 solar

French project developer NewHeat has successfully closed a EUR 13 million finance deal with Triodos Bank, Germany, and Crédit Coopératif, France, to cover the costs of putting up five solar […]

Kyotherm wins 2019 SHC Solar Award

Kyotherm, a French-based third-party investor, has won the IEA Solar Heating and Cooling programme’s Solar Award for financing energy service companies (ESCOs) so end users in the industrial sector can […]

All-renewable future for Europe

Reaching a 100 % renewable heating and cooling target across Europe by 2050 will only be possible if there is strong and resolute political support to accelerate the market adoption […]

SHC experts become Mission Innovation Champions

This May, two experts in solar heating and cooling – Dr Korbinian Kramer and Christian Holter (second and fourth from right, respectively) – were presented with Mission Innovation Champion awards […]