Six Pillar: Finance and Incentives

Networking app for renewable projects

Fostering collaboration between investors, renewable technology suppliers and project developers has been the idea behind a new website called The aim is to offer institutional fund managers and investors […]

Concentrating solar heat for dairies in India

A one-day workshop titled Solar – A Green Energy Alternate to Augmented Dairy Farmers’ Income has given stakeholders a chance to discuss how to increase solar heat use in India’s […]

Drainback solution for industrial sector

Four weeks ago, Belgian technology supplier Sunoptimo started up a solar thermal turnkey system at Lys Services, a tank cleaning company based in Merville, in northern France. The hydraulic components […]

Initial pilot plants for industrial solar steam

Concentrating solar heat is a valuable energy resource in Morocco, especially for industrial applications. A call for project proposals has invited businesses to submit plans for constructing industrial solar heat […]

Market for heating appliances in Poland

After two years of declining collector sales, the market in Poland picked up again in the first half of 2018. The chart shows the amount of collector area added each […]

Solar-heated homes promoted on Austrian TV

National association Austria Solar has managed to bring solar-heated houses into the mainstream. On 9 November, Austria Solar’s Managing Director Roger Hackstock was interviewed for konkret, a consumer programme on […]

Rwanda Looks Forward to Second Phase of SolaRwanda

The Eastern African country of Rwanda has plans to extend its national SolaRwanda programme. Backed by the World Bank, the Global Environment Facility and the Nordic Development Fund, this support […]