Solar Obligation by the Municipality in São Paulo
The huge city of São Paulo, with its approx. 19 million inhabitants, approved the first solar obligation on a municipality level in July 2007. Solar water heaters have since become mandatory in a wide range of new residential and non-residential buildings.
Country /Municipality |
Brazil / São Paulo |
Name |
Lei N° 14459, from 3 July 2007 |
Goal |
New buildings in São Paulo require the installation of a system that uses solar energy for heating water in cases of both residential and non-residential use. |
Date when law came into effect |
Solar thermal is mandatory for building permits approved after July 2008 |
Target group |
The buildings covered are those intended for the following use: commercial (in special cases), industrial (if hot water is needed for the industrial process or if showers are to be installed for the staff), and, in general, any other use that entails the presence of dining rooms, kitchens or collective laundries. |
Special requirements |
The solar thermal system is to cover at least 40 % of the entire annual demand for heating sanitary water and pools. |
Exceptions |
The provisions shall not apply to buildings in which it is technically impossible to achieve the conditions to meet the above-mentioned share of annual energy demand. |
Last review |
May 2009 |
Further information |
Cidades Solares: |
Contact |
Prefeitura do Municipío de São Paulo |