SHC 2017 and Solar World Congress Jointly Call for Papers

“The IEA SHC is holding its conference together with ISES’ Solar World Congress
because we want to share our work and the advances being made in solar heating and cooling with the largest audience possible,” explains Ken Guthrie, Chairman of the IEA SHC, and added that “by having one paper submission system and one registration system the two conferences can improve the financial and organisational synergies”. The abstract review process, however, will be managed separately. All abstracts that concern solar heating and cooling will be blind-reviewed by at least three designated Technical Committee members that are nominated by IEA SHC.
Extended abstracts with a maximum of 3 pages can be submitted through the SWC 2017 Abstract Submission System. Accepted papers presented at the joint conference will be published with an individual DOI in the conference proceedings on a publicly accessible and searchable online database.
The joint conference themes for the abstracts among others are:
- Solar Heating and Cooling (SHC) Systems and Components
- SHC Applications
- Solar Architecture and Building Integration
- Renewable Cities and Community Power Programs
- Solar Resource Assessment and Energy Meteorology
- From Laboratory to the Real World: Solar Energy Markets, Policies and Initiatives that Enable Commercialization
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