John O. Donnell: Economy of scale for solar industrial heat

Economy of scale allows the US-based company GlassPoint to offer solar heat which is below the cost of natural gas. In the interview at SHC 2019 conference in Santiago de Chile John O. Donnell announced that the first 300 MW of solar steam production in Oman are online. Once completed the project Miraah in Oman should total at 1,000 MW.

John O. Donnell is Vice President Business Development of GlassPoint, which has grown to a business with around 300 employees in just ten years after its foundation 2009. 
Video: Bärbel Epp, solrico
Camera: Randy Martin, IEA SHC
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Baerbel Epp

Bärbel Epp is Founder and Director of the German communication and market research agency solrico and editor-in-chief of