ESTEC 2011 in France: Early Bird Registration extended
The early bird registration for the European Solar Thermal Energy Conference (estec 2011) has been extended to 15 July. You can save around EUR 100 if you sign up for the 2-day conference before this date. It will take place in Marseilles, France, on 20 and 21 October 2011. Fees are lower for members of the European Solar Thermal Industry Federation (ESTIF) or the French Solar Association ENERPLAN.
Photo: ESTIF
estec’s detailed 2011 programme schedule is now available at the conference’s website. The Marseilles event has two new items on its agenda: First, a focus on the Mediterranean Region, gathering several key note speakers from countries south and north of the Mediterranean Sea who will analyse the untapped solar thermal potential in the region. And second, the first ever offer of special sessions for French installers, presenting a mix of technical, marketing and political issues. These sessions are held in French, the others in English. The organisers of estec 2011, ESTIF and ENERPLAN, expect around 500 stakeholders to attend this important solar thermal event.
The second conference day starts with a panel discussion: ‘Is solar thermal competitive: micro- and macro-economic perspectives’. “We will address questions of competitiveness and costs, because these are THE central issues of every public or private investment decision,” Xavier Noyon, ESTIF Secretary General, explains the motivation for this plenary session.
The parallel sessions held at the conference will cover the following topics:
- Technology, standards and research development
- Market and framework conditions
- Solar thermal and buildings, new business models and applications
The very popular market reports will be presented this time in actually three different sessions. They include the following markets: France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany, Hungary, Czech Republic, Tunisia, Lebanon, Turkey and Morocco.
More information and registration: