The world’s currently largest solar district heating plant was inaugurated in Dronninglund, Denmark, on 2 May this year. The photo shows Carsten Møller Nielsen, Board Chairman at Dronninglund Fjernvarme, welcoming Rasmus […]
The calculation of solar heat prices very much depends on the frame conditions. The chart on the left shows heat prices for a solar district heating system, with costs differing […]
Solar thermal is not just about technology, it´s also about financing. It takes much more than just an improved, mature technology to have a successful industry. It needs new business […]
Strong competition and best cost/performance ratios have made the Danish district heating market one of the most successful case studies within the European solar thermal market. The two key features […]
On 15 March, the excavators began their work for Denmark’s largest solar district heating project so far. The collector field in the town of Dronninglund, about 30 km northeast of […]