Six Pillar: Finance and Incentives

India: Phase I Results of National Solar Mission

The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission was launched in January 2010 as one of the eight Missions under Climate Change in India and was to be implemented by the Ministry […]

Uruguay: Growing at Its Own Pace

Uruguay’s government aims at reaching a renewable share of 50% in its national energy mix by 2015. In order to achieve this target, the government approved the so-called Solar Plan […]

UK: More Good than Bad News from the British Islands

In March 2013, the UK Government came under criticism for their updated heat strategy when they announced further delays to the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) being made applicable to householders. […]

Poland: Plan to Extend National Residential Subsidy Scheme

The Polish National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (Polish initialism: NFOSiGW) is planning to introduce a new grant scheme called Prosument, which will include solar thermal subsidies. This […]

India: National Incentive Programme Reduces Grants

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) reduced its benchmark prices of solar water heaters within the national solar subsidy scheme under the National Solar Mission. As the level […]