Six Pillar: Finance and Incentives

“We try to take the complication out of the energy

Skyline Innovations, the United States’ largest solar thermal developer by project volume, finances, develops, and operates commercial-scale solar thermal systems for small and medium-sized enterprises. Skyline’s customers are able to […]

Poland: Associations Criticise Plans for New Grant Scheme

The Association of Manufacturers and Importers of Heating Appliances (Polish acronym: SPIUG) and the Institute for Renewable Energy (Polish initialism: IEO) have criticised the draft of the new Prosument programme […]

Montenegro: Montesol is dead, long live Montesol!

Montesol, the expired credit line for the installation of solar water heaters in Montenegrin households, may be extended, according to a source at Montenegro’s Directorate for Energy Efficiency (DoEE). In […]

Italy: New Regulations for All Incentive Schemes

The new Italian budget Law 147 from December 2013 also includes important chapters on renewable energy and energy efficiency regulations. The law extends both the 65% tax deduction for energy […]

Chile: New Government to Extend Tax Credits

Chile’s tax rebate scheme for the housing industry ended on 31 December 2013. Since then, Chile has not had any incentive scheme for solar water heaters and local system suppliers […]

Egypt: Green Star Hotels “Download” the Sun

At the end of November, participants of a workshop in Munich, Germany, debated Egypt’s attempt at making the most use of the sunlight available in the country. The Chamber of […]